Lower-Risk Machine Guarding: Chip Shooter
To provide guarding for a lower-risk safety light screen application
Description: The Type 2 EZ-SCREEN safety light screen guards the opening to
a chip shooter, which has moving parts that can cause painful but
usually temporary injuries.

Inexpensive, compact optical safeguarding solution is designed for
lower-risk applications where risk of injury is limited but some
guarding is necessary.
- Designed for lower-risk applications such as bump or bruise, knock-down, trapping but not crushing, or minor cuts and abrasions
- Features simple, two-piece integrated system with no control box
- Detects narrow objects, such as a hand or ankle
- Offered with 30 mm resolution and 15 m range
- Provides economical, compact optical safeguarding
- Meets Type 2 requirements per IEC61496-1/-2 and Category 2 per EN954-1
- Available in trip (auto reset) or latch (manual reset) models
- Offers optional lens shields and enclosures for added durability